7. Аудирование / Listening: LEVEL 2 / TEXT 2 / УРОВЕНЬ 2 / ТЕКСТ 2 (Max Heart)
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Аудирование для продолжающих.
Текст аудирования:
Most people know that the English language is spoken by many millions of people around the world. However, few people are aware of the history of the English language. Today, English is one language, but in some ways it is a mixture of many different languages.
The English language is most closely related to a group of languages called the Germanic languages. This group also includes languages such as German and Dutch. About 1500 years ago, these languages were not yet distinct from each other. Some of the people of Germany and the Netherlands then moved to England. Those people were called the Anglo-Saxons, and their language then evolved into English. Most of the basic words of the English language are derived from these very old Anglo-Saxon languages. For example, the words for the parts of the body, for numbers, and for animals are mostly Anglo-Saxon words.
Some new words were brought to England over 1000 years ago by people who came from the Scandinavian countries of northern Europe. Many words that begin with the letters “sk”, such as skin and skill, are Scandinavian words.
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