Knitting Help – Comparing Increases

In this video, I show how different increases look side-by-side, and talk about how to substitute one for the other. A bit more complicated than substituting decreases, some increases “use up” a stitch, while others do not.

The “sister” video comparing decreases can be found here:

Slow demonstrations of the increases shown:
KFB (knit front back):
Make 1 (M1):

The bulky yarn I used for demonstration is Knit Picks Wool of the Andes Bulky in Yonder.

The needles I’m using are Knitter’s Pride Nova Platinas, from an interchangeable set:

The bamboo marking pins I use to point with can be found here:

The nail polish I’m wearing is by Julep, color “Amanda”.

My silver ring is actually a knitting needle gauge, and can be found here:


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